Friday, May 14, 2010

Tea House,Bookstore,and some Bittersweet.

The other day a friend of my from Southern California was visiting Frisco. As this used to be her old stomping grounds she graciously showed this neophyte around this amazing city. One of her very favorite things to do is eat.
We have that in common. No wonder we get along. Its very hard to argue with someone when you have your face stuffed with the most wonderful BBQ pork dumplings you have ever had IN YOUR LIFE. Which isn't saying much since I'm only 24 but Angie is 29 so she lends some credibility to that statement.

Where are these wonderful dumplings to be found you ask? Right here:

After Angie finally arrived she informs me that she is about to miss her deadline and we have to pack the food up and go. That's fine I'm easy as a Sunday morning so off we go. After dragging me all around the city we stopped at a really great Indie book store with great decor and even better prices.

This store sells recycled books which is great for the environmentally friendly friend of yours and your wallet. After picking up a few books here for a friend who is on bed rest we headed out to have the most decadent hot chocolate in the world.

I can not express how much I love this liquid gold concoction. After years of drinking powdery Swiss Miss my introduction to the "real deal" was other worldly. After grabbing my cup I sat down at the wide open windowed store front and enjoyed the very eclectic view San Francisco offers. Enjoying my warm cup of sugar and smiles with an old friend and an Opera Singer.

Never a dull moment in this place, let me tell you.

P.S. I have yet to try the coffee but it smells like I imagine heaven to be....God must have one hell of an espresso machine. As the wise Liz Lemon once said," I want to go to there".

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Engagment Chicken = YUM!

I decided the other night, on one of my crazy tangent whims, that I would make a recipe for chicken I had seen in Glamour Magazine. Apparently, the recipe was SO popular that they had to print it, again...and again. I believe the title says it all: "Engagement Chicken". The ladies looking to bag their man,for better or worse, made this magic chicken and POOF a hop, skip, and a jump later...they were engaged.

It is basically a roasted chicken,nothing more, nothing less. However, the 'magic' is in the way they approach the actually cooking of the chicken. They have you simulate a rotisserie style of cooking the chicken, without the spit. Its simple enough. I have yet to try this on a man but I'm sure he will enjoy it just based on the fact its damn good.

Saturday, November 21, 2009


Since Spring has sprung and Summer is around the corner,
I have thrown together this amazingly quick salad.
Great for when you need to throw something together that
still looks like you bought it from Whole Foods.

I suggest you get all of the following ingredients at Trader Joe's, they have
the best prices:

1 Bag of pre-made spring medley salad
6 Mandarin Oranges
1 cup Blue Cheese Crumbles
1 cup Candied Pecans
.5 cup Diced Purple Onion

Cut four of the Mandarin Oranges so that the orange pieces have been separated so they look like this.

Throw them into a salad bowl along with the spring medley salad, blue cheese, pecans, and purple onion. Toss the salad and then take the remaining Oranges and squeeze the juice over
the salad. Toss again and cover with saran wrap. Place in the refrigerator to marinate and keep cool while you get ready to head to your party.